jueves, 11 de mayo de 2023

Week 28: May 10th, 2023- Coronation, Big Lunches, Eden Project and Future Learn. And a visual poem!!!

Coronation quiche

 - We saw the wonderful visual poem you have done with your short video and you explained what each video was.

- We also saw the video Vampiros, featuring Rosalía and Rauw Alejandro because Sarai had told us about bar Marsella, that appears in it.

- You told each other about your weekend and we saw something that had happened in Britain on Sunday with a CNN video and exercise.

- We checked on the coronation quiche. And we read and told each other about information on Big Lunches from Eden Project Communities.

- We saw a video on the original Eden Project and a second one on the specific work they do.

- We also saw a learning platform with lots of ideas to read and study in English: Future Learn

lunes, 8 de mayo de 2023

Week 27: May 3rd, 2023- Presentation and Artificial Intelligence


- We started the class with the presentation of our classmate Toñi, a very interesting talk about her job and the company she works for. This a descriptive video in English.

- We discussed what we knew of AI and saw a short video of an interview to Gerffrey Hinton, the so-called godfather of AI, expressing his worries about this technology. We identified the main ideas.

- We completed an exercise on a second video on AI up to minute 3'57'' Smart, seductive, dangerous AI robots.