martes, 8 de enero de 2019

Week 15: January 9th, 2019- Happy New Year!


 Dear all, let me wish you all the best for this year and may you have, at least, most of your dreams come true.

- This week we started warming up a little by describing to our classmates a couple of photos  of the holidays from our mobile phones.
- Some of you received your very well deserved Singing Diploma!!
- Then we asked each other some of the questions on the holidays and the new year from a handout.
- Then we saw the first nine minutes of Bridget Jones's Diary film and described the main characters.
- We saw the clip again to identify: fook/cooking vocabulary/ adjectives and insults.

Choose one or two photos from these selections of the best of 2018 and be prepared to describe it to a classmate and explain it a little bit and also explain why you chose it. It may be from other sources of your own!
- Best photos 2018 Time Magazine
- Best photos 2018 National Geographic.
- Best photos 2018 The Guardian.

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