indiatoday.in |
Dear all, I'm happy to be back and wish you all the best for this year and for your English course!!
- Today we remembered our last class and spoke about the photo of this Christmas holidays.
- We spoke so much and so well that we didn't do the rest of what had been thought for the day, but still had some time to warm up with a couple of videos on voice recognition technology, which is something we're going to be speaking about next day.
- We also enjoyed with the
problem of interfering voices.
- This is a follow-up of the homework you had for Christmas holidays. You had to borrow a film and watch it in English. If you haven't borrowed one, you can still do it next week, or any other week in fact.
- If you have already seen yours, the homework I'm suggesting is to pick up an aspect of the film that you find relevant, such as an actor, or the music, or the setting, or the end... and prepare a presentation on it. Any presentation has to have an opening, a body in which you explain the different ideas you want to deal with and a suitable conclusion. Draft it and record it for me to give you feedback. Make it about 3 to 5 minutes long.
- We are also going to check out three websites with pictures that have been chosen as relevant to the year 2019. We're choosing our favourite and be prepared to tell the classmates the reasons why you prefer it to the rest. These are the sites:
I'm adding my favourite photo, although it wasn't taken last year but the year before. You already know why I like it and the story behind the photo ;-))
The NewYorker |