jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2022

Week 11: December 21st, 2022- Good environmental news and Christmas!


- We exchanged our sentences connected to the film Don't Look Up and our present reality using speculative language.

- We saw a piece of good  news on biodiversity with the video How wolves change rivers.

- We moved on to a more Christmassy activity and we saw two different videos that we had to describe to the classmate that hadn'r seen them: Coca Cola Christmas Commercial and Mog's Christmas Calamity Sainsbury's Ad.

- We didn't have time for our Christmas Carol Deck the Halls.


- We're going to look for a piece of good environmental news (here you have a site you may want to check) or any other kind of news you find interesting. Remember: read or watch about it, get notes with the main facts and ideas you want to transmit and be ready to tell us on the first day after holidays.

- You can also prepare a presentation about the dangerous situation you have been into, paying attention to the use of narrative tenses and about the film we saw.

- You also have the grammar worksheet on future perfect and continuous with two exercises.

Very happy holidays and merry Christmas for all of you. Have a very happy New Year and receive my best wishes

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