- We started with your short presentations about the women scientists that I had given you.
- We saw a short video about Happy to Chat Benches in Cardiff, and discussed about the idea.
- We saw about another bench in Canada, in Richmond Hill.
- We saw a little bit of the song winner of the Academy Awards for this year.
- As we can't work with this song, we did an exercise on Shallow, the winner of 2018.
- In preparation for next week's session, I'd like you to do two things: on the one hand, you could write an entry on this older virtual wall I opened two years ago on women scientists and inventors. It could be about the scientists you read or researched a bit. I'll read and give you the feedback on your production.
On the other hand, I'd like to celebrate both the coming of spring and Poetry's Day, which is celebrated on March 21st, and I invite you to have a look at these two websites with poems to find one you'd like to read and tell us about next day. Check out Poetry Foundation and Lithub to see if you find something interesting.